
Friday, 4 September 2020





Language‌ ‌Features‌ ‌

Similies,Metephor,Alliteration,Onometapea,‌ ‌

For‌ ‌every‌ ‌Verb‌ ‌add‌ ‌an‌ ‌Adverb‌ ‌

For‌ ‌Every‌ ‌Noun‌ ‌add‌ ‌an‌ ‌Adjective‌

resource imageOne Mysterious Morning I woke up to a strange noise in the basement so I thought it was my dad until I realized that my dad works at 7:00am and it was 7:30am I usually get to school by 8:00am so then I felt weird and grabbed my Baseball bat and grabbed my headlight and went down as soon as I opened the door to my basement I saw creatures taking things from our basement into a green looking portal when they were not looking I peeked my head through the portal I saw more creatures that looked like houses and trees that were moving.When I looked back I saw one of the creatures push me in thinking I was a object to use but when I fell everyone froze thinking nothing happened but once I stood up they starting moving again so I jumped back Through the portal and I quickly Ran upstairs to get ready and ran out the door. When I got to school my friend waits for me at the school gate but I was late for class so I ran 2 minutes to get to class and I got detention for being late to class.After I got Home from detention My parents were waiting outside crying until I asked them what had happened and they said that someone broke into our house and stole everything so I went inside and saw that everything was gone like the first day we moved in  it was like my heart dropped so I went back to what happened this morning so I was thinking that the creatures might have token it so I went to the basement and I saw those creatures that pushed me into the portal so I told them that the stuff they took belongs to us so they understood and told their friends to give their things back so they did. They also changed timer back to before my parents got home and they were mad about me getting detention.

>To Be Continued<  

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